Save Money on Auto Insurance


MULTI-POLICY DISCOUNTS. Our insurers offer discounts to consumers who maintain several types of policies with one company (i.e., homeowner’s coverage, valuable articles, auto coverage, personal excess liability (umbrella)

COMBINE POLICIES, when you marry. This may qualify you for a multi-car discount.

TAKE ADVANTAGE OF PREMIUM DISCOUNTS: Our carriers offer discounts for automobile safety features such as anti-lock brakes, air bags and passive restraints, good student and drivers training.

RAISE YOUR DEDUCTIBLES. A deductible is the amount for which you accept responsibility before the insurance company pays anything. Choosing a higher deductible of $500 to $1,000 can reduce your premium. Pay for minor damage out of your own pocket

CHILDREN AT COLLEGE: Our carriers reduce premiums when students leave home for school and leave the car at home: if they are at a college more than 100 mile from home.